The R&A is committed to working for golf and operates with the consent of 136 organisations from the amateur and professional game and on behalf of over thirty million golfers in 123 countries. They are the governing body of golf and the organiser of The Open Championship.
The first involement I had with The R&A was to reskin their website as part of a brand refresh by Navyblue. Once this had been completed we were offered the opportunity to pitch for the entire digital platform of The R&A. This involved revising their complete digital stratedgy which stems across their main corporate site and all the event sites including The Open Championship.
The Process
The main challenge we faced was to create a corporate website that made the user feel positively suprised at the first visit and then engaged them to interact and become intrigued by the content. This was to be done without using the Championships as the main focus to avoid it feeling like an events website.
Our main focus was to:
- Create intuitive information architecture and a 1-2 clicks away
from any content experience - Communicate directly with the user by immersing the them
in the R&A brand - Provide added value wrapped around each section to enhance
The R&A's position as the main authority for Golf
The Result
The result emerged with two very clean, intuitve designs focusing on personilising the experience for both The R&A and The Open Championship.